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How to design electronic circuits

Beaucoup de Mesdames et Messieurs les poser sur la façon de concevoir des circuits électroniques, il n'enseigne pas l'expérience facilement en mots et aussi un cadeau que toute autre chose dans laquelle les individus varient, mais peuvent bénéficier l'explication suivante
Conception de circuits où les gens blog, et à écrire devraient d'abord apprendre la langue - les lettres, puis des mots, puis écrire

Les personnages sont
Types de résistances
Types de condensateurs
types de LED
Types de transistors
Le type suivant les types de chaque groupe et pas nécessairement dans le détail, mais plutôt, vous pouvez toujours avoir recours aux livres de données Fiche Many of the Distinguished ask about how to design electronic circuits, it does not teach experience easily in words and also a gift as anything else in which individuals vary, but may benefit the following explanation
Circuit design which people blog, and to write should first learn the language - the letters and then words, then write
Characters are
Types of resistors
Types of capacitors
LED types
Types of transistors
The following types type from each group and not necessarily in detail, but rather you can always resort to the books of data Data sheet for details or to resort to multiple locations and the best and enough to know of their existence in order to consider use of
Kinds of integrated circuits (eg 741 Blaster Service timing voltage stabilizers 555 78xx)
Different kinds of digital circuits (gates - counters etc.)

The letters have no meaning Valmkunat former does not have to use a single Mquaomtan needed at least to get the breaker effort or resistance and intensive work to filter frequencies
To learn the words you should know how to collect these "characters" to be maximized transistors or by using the LM741 or the Department of the timing of 555 or a signal generator Hartley or Kolbtz which are all circles traditional and existing books, the basic decisions of the electronics and the difference between the amplifier sound frequencies and higher frequencies as well as between zoom effort and maximize the ability

As we choose and arrange words to get on the inter useful to choose and arrange the units prior to ride a small circle performed a limited function, and here comes the experience and can also say that someone is a long string barely understood and last used as AMD and Dell have people a large circle of the work and function of small and another works the other short
As of sentences formed paragraphs and paragraphs consisting of articles and books, it is the small circle made up the largest and the Chamber Chambers shall be composed of overlapping

This method facilitates the next stage in the event of non-performance of the Department is required to because you know every word (smaller circle) on the unit and what role you can test out to determine where performance is expected

If the minimum is often not something that comes from experience is the first time her diet and discharged patient perseverance and repetitive development can

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