1. Draw the preferred symbols for the following
components used when drawing electrical
circuit diagrams:
(a) fixed resistor (b) cell
(c) filament lamp (d) fuse
(e) voltmeter
2. State the unit of
(a) current
(b) potential difference
(c) resistance
3. State an instrument used to measure
(a) current
(b) potential difference
(c) resistance
4. What is a multimeter?
5. State Ohm’s law
6. Give one example of
(a) a linear device
(b) a non-linear device
7. State the meaning of the following abbreviations
of prefixes used with electrical units:
(a) k (b) μ (c) m (d) M
8. What is a conductor? Give four examples
9. What is an insulator? Give four examples
10. Complete the following statement:
‘An ammeter has a . . . resistance and must be
connected . . . with the load’
11. Complete the following statement:
‘A voltmeter has a . . . resistance and must be
connected . . . with the load’
12. State the unit of electrical power. State three
formulae used to calculate power
13. State two units used for electrical energy
14. State the three main effects of an electric
current and give two examples of each
15. What is the function of a fuse in an electrical
components used when drawing electrical
circuit diagrams:
(a) fixed resistor (b) cell
(c) filament lamp (d) fuse
(e) voltmeter
2. State the unit of
(a) current
(b) potential difference
(c) resistance
3. State an instrument used to measure
(a) current
(b) potential difference
(c) resistance
4. What is a multimeter?
5. State Ohm’s law
6. Give one example of
(a) a linear device
(b) a non-linear device
7. State the meaning of the following abbreviations
of prefixes used with electrical units:
(a) k (b) μ (c) m (d) M
8. What is a conductor? Give four examples
9. What is an insulator? Give four examples
10. Complete the following statement:
‘An ammeter has a . . . resistance and must be
connected . . . with the load’
11. Complete the following statement:
‘A voltmeter has a . . . resistance and must be
connected . . . with the load’
12. State the unit of electrical power. State three
formulae used to calculate power
13. State two units used for electrical energy
14. State the three main effects of an electric
current and give two examples of each
15. What is the function of a fuse in an electrical